Confirmed Life Safety

Exclusively designed for your Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) portfolio management needs.

Challenges in Overseeing Life Safety Protocols

Overseeing life safety protocols across a vast portfolio is a daunting task, made more complex by the lack of standardized protocols. Critical life safety information is often locked away in physical files or scattered across disparate digital repositories, each property or manager following their own unique system. This fragmentation of data not only makes accessibility a challenge, but it also hampers effective tracking and auditing of safety measures such as elevators, fire extinguishers, backflow valves, fire sprinklers, and camera surveillance. Simply put, a lack of uniformity can lead to a lack of control, making it hard to ensure each property manager is maintaining and managing life safety standards effectively.

REIT Building Data Model

Problems with Life Safety Compliance in Today's Economy

In today's increasingly challenging economic landscape, dependence on vendors for life safety maintenance and compliance alerts has become problematic. Reductions in staffing and economic pressures are causing a decline in vendor-initiated communication, which can lead to unnoticed lapses in life safety protocol maintenance. The responsibility of being proactive and staying on top of life safety data now rests squarely on your shoulders. Having to navigate through disjointed data and paper-based information, while simultaneously ensuring no expiration date slips through the cracks, is an uphill battle - a battle for which you need a reliable and efficient solution.

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Implications of Neglecting Life Safety Protocols

Neglecting life safety protocols and maintenance can have far-reaching consequences beyond immediate compliance issues. It can drastically increase your insurance liability due to heightened risk and potential harm. Moreover, evidence of poor life safety management can make mortgage lenders wary, impacting their willingness to increase investments in your REIT. Thus, failure to effectively maintain these areas of life safety not only risks safety but also your reputation, financial health, and future growth opportunities.

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Unified Platform for Life Safety Certification Management

What you need is a platform that brings everything under one roof. A tool that gives you the power to oversee all your properties, keep track of life safety certifications, and get timely alerts. A platform that simplifies record keeping and offers a seamless way to export your data for inspections.

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Confirmed Life Safety: Your Solution for Compliance Management

Welcome to Confirmed Life Safety. Our cloud-based platform offers real-time performance metrics, tracking compliance on a regular basis, and storing all necessary data securely. We work directly with your property managers, loading and maintaining all certification data so that you can focus on strategic oversight.

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Benefits of Confirmed Life Safety for Portfolio Managers

With Confirmed Life Safety, you're no longer alone in managing life safety compliance. Property managers receive weekly emails starting 30 days ahead of expiration for a life safety area, mitigating the risk of missing crucial deadlines. As a portfolio manager, you'll receive monthly emails containing a high-level breakdown of your portfolio's performance. You'll gain insights on which property management company may be lagging in maintaining compliance, or which properties have high-risk issues. You also gain easy access to historical performance, archives of expired documents with just a click, and the ability to export an entire binder of life safety inspections, certificates, maintenance agreements, and invoices whenever required. This proactive approach empowers you to manage risks, enhance safety, and ensure compliance across your entire portfolio.

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Take the Next Step with Confirmed Life Safety

The next step is simple. Join the growing number of REITs that have chosen Confirmed Life Safety as their platform of choice for life safety compliance. Take control of your portfolio, ensure the safety of your properties, and make the oversight process seamless and efficient. Because at Confirmed Life Safety, we believe in making life safety management simple and straightforward. Reach out to us today for a personalized demo and experience the Confirmed Life Safety difference.